

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482


罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482



理由是:  的 purpose of the policy is to provide guidance to the 十大菠菜台子 (OU) community for filling position vacancies in the following categories: Administrative Professional (AP), 十大菠菜台子专业服务协会, 十大菠菜台子校园维护和贸易(OUCMT), 密歇根州警察协会, 及警务人员劳工委员会.

政策:  All position vacancies are filled in accordance with collective bargaining agreements, 行政专业手册, 及有关的OU政策, namely the Internal Promotions and Transfers policy and are consistent with applicable laws.

适用范围及适用性:  This policy is applicable to all OU faculty and staff who are responsible for or take part in filling position vacancies in the above referenced categories.


申请人:  任何申请公司空缺职位的人 奥克兰工地的工作

外部申请人:  申请人目前未在公开大学担任固定职位.

内部申请者:  申请人目前在公开大学担任固定职位.

人员要求:  申请职位的电子文件.

职位空缺:  A position of at least 20 hours per week with benefits, which is funded and approved to be filled.

团队-员工总数和管理层  该在线系统用于职位管理,发现于 http://wwwp.奥克兰.edu/uhr/


1.  建立工作要求和职位描述

招聘主管和福利, Compensation and HRIS Services Manager will develop job requirements for positions vacancies that will become part of the position description module. 的 hiring supervisor is responsible for maintaining up-to-date position descriptions for positions under their authority. All position descriptions are maintained in an online system and must be approved by 人力资源.

2.  人员需求

的 department is responsible for creating the 人员需求 in the online system. 填补职位空缺时需要一份人事申请单. 所有人员申请单必须根据批准的职位描述创建.

3.  总统

Newly funded positions and positions changed as part of a reorganization must be approved by the 总统 prior to the creation of a requisition. Existing funded positions where no changes have been made to job requirements do not need approval by the 总统. Hiring supervisors must submit their requests for new positions to their administrative head.

4.  职位发布和外部搜索

的 Employment Services Office (ESO) is responsible for preparing the job posting based on the information provided in the 人员需求. Unless subject to the requirements of the collective bargaining agreement or the Internal Promotions and Transfers policy, 所有职位空缺都需要进行外部搜索和招聘.

5.  广告

Position vacancies for which an external search will be conducted will be advertised. ESO与 多元化、公平和包容办公室 will work with the department to identify recruitment sites which may be utilized to attract a qualified and diverse pool of Applicants. 欧洲南方天文台 will process advertising for any sites which charge a fee because such fees are charged back to the department. 的 hiring department is encouraged to place advertisements on sites which are free of charge or with those organizations or list services with which they have a membership or previous association.

6.  应用程序

所有申请人必须提交申请表及所需文件(如.g.、简历、求职信等.),透过网上求职网站. 人力资源 initially screens Applicants for positions in the OUPSA and OUCMT bargaining units as required by the applicable collective bargaining agreement. 所有其他申请人都由招聘主管筛选.

7.  部门筛选和选择申请人

的 hiring supervisor selects Applicants for interview based on the job requirements for the position. It is the hiring supervisor’s responsibility to designate all Applicants to the appropriate status on the online system prior to seeking approval to interview. 例如, 申请人可被指定参加面试, 资质不如其他候选人, 不合格.

8.  面试申请人

面试池(电话,电话会议或亲自)必须得到董事会的批准 多元化、公平和包容办公室 在招聘主管安排面试之前.

9.  背景调查

Reference checks must be conducted by the hiring supervisor on the selected Applicant. 至少有一个推荐信应该来自以前的主管. Hiring supervisors must review the application to verify that permission has been given for OU to contact each employer(s) prior to the reference check. If, an Applicant stated that an employer could not be contacted he/she must complete an 授权发布信息表 在未被允许的引用被联系之前.

电话参考资料调查表格 是否也可以使用.

10.  选择

的 hiring supervisor must complete the Applicant 选择 Criteria Grading section in the online hiring system. 每位接受面试的申请人都必须提交一份申请. 当完成, the hiring supervisor must then email the ESO with the name of their selected Applicant, 建议的薪水和入职日期.

11.  后台验证

欧洲南方天文台, 收到导师的选择邮件后, will contact the selected candidate and request completion of the appropriate background verification forms. 的 time period the selected Applicant has resided/worked in Michigan and type of position held will determine the type of background verification required, 包括但不限于犯罪, 信用和驾驶记录检查. An offer of employment will not be extended until the background verification(s) has been deemed acceptable by the ESO Manager or designee.

12.  度验证

如果职位需要的话, an official college transcript(s) for the selected candidate must be received in a sealed envelope and include an official raised seal from the issuing institution.

13.  身体检查

Applicants for university positions may be required to pass the OU approved physical examination after an offer of employment is made if job related and consistent with business necessity.

14.  就业机会

所有正式录用通知均由人力资源部发出. 行政首长经事先批准,可以向直接下属提供聘书. 未经人力资源部事先批准,不得提供任何报价.

15.  转让日期

当员工在OU内接受晋升或调动时, the date the employee begins the new position should be mutually agreed upon by the employee’s current and future supervisors.

16.  人事档案

人力资源 is charged with the maintenance of official employment records of all staff employees. An employee may inspect the contents of his/her personnel file during OU’s normal business hours by filing a written request for reviewing the file. 请求通常在二十四(24)小时内得到满足.



OU美联社&P #750十大菠菜台子教师招聘程序 

OU美联社&p# 770临时和临时雇员 



经理的工具包 - Website designed to provide the manager with tools they will need for the life cycle of an employee.
